Saturday, March 29, 2008

Now that's a great idea!

Check out the story in the Boston Globe today about two young men who are doing something pretty interesting. They have formed the Typo Eradication Advancement League. and are now traveling around the country, seeking to correct what signage errors they can. Ha ha! What a fun idea!

Haven't we all noticed the incorrect use of an apostrophe, or the misspelling of a word, in a public sign and wanted to fix it? Or am I the only one with that particular, um, attribute? Well, these two young men are doing what they can to eradicate poor use of punctuation and grammar. And see the country at the same time. Smart guys!


At 9:57 PM, Blogger ccr in MA said...

I saw that article, and cut it out to send to my mother. You are *not* the only one who does that, my whole family does!

As I've said often, I'm not good at noticing that stuff because I'm a proofreader; I'm a proofreader because I'm good at noticing that stuff.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger LogoGirl said...

Umm - is there money in that? :)

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

This is FABULOUS! I hope they keep a journal -- I think there IS money in it if they write a book with lots of before and after photos! Ah, just love this....


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