A Trio of Harlots

I thought the title might pique some interest in the blog. Heh. I'm sneaky like that.
are three scarves knitted with the Yarn
Harlot's One Row pattern.
While her scarf was made with some fabulous yarn she had spun herself, mine are knitted from some fabulous hand spun yarn I purchased. Being the slow, er, deliberate knitter that I am, I skipped the step
of spinning the yarn myself. It would probably take me 5 years to get
anything long enough to knit with. So, knowing myself as I do, I bought
lovelyhand spun, hand dyed yarn from Greta Dise's booth at Rhinebeck. I love her color combinations.
This is a very simple knit and lends itself well to knitting and watching House, and Lost. I tend to have difficulty walking and chewing gum at the same time, so I am thrilled when I find a pattern I love, which allows me to creatively use yarn that I love,to create a finished object that I love, all while watching television I
love. It meets all my needs, as a knitter and a tv addict. Who could ask for anything more?
I want thank you all for the kind comments about my Manny post. You all
are very encouraging to a new blogger. Manny is truly a great cat and
my daughter and I love him to bits. Whenever Beth comes home from
college he becomes "her" cat again, which is fun to see. The basket
that I took his picture in is one of his favorite hiding spots. And I
am so glad he's a part of the household. Except when he decides that
4:30 a.m. is an appropriate time for us to get up and start the day. As
spring gets closer and dawn comes earlier and the birds start singing
more, he'll be waking me up more often. Those are the days I wonder
about my choice of pets!
You'd be surprised at how fast one can learn to spin. I began taking lessons Jan. 3 this year, and can't believe my progress. Just takes practice, I do think! But I did take the opportunity to tell Wonderful Guy that there will always be room for buying yarn...just in case he got any ideas.
Thanks for your comments on my story. I have been surprised by how many of us have shared a similar one.
I feel precisely the same about that scarf and have made a few myself. LOVE 'em! And - you'll find you're in big company when you start talking about the bond between one of us and our feline caretakers....
Your scarves are great. I am with you on skipping the spinning step. I have steadfastly refused to learn to spin for fear it detract from my knitting time. There truly are only 24 hours in a day, even for spinners and knitters!
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