Cardigirl Knits
Oh gee, well, um, what can I say? It's been almost 3 months since I started this blog and I've got a grand total of 3, that's right t-h-r-e-e entries. Hmmm. I suppose I could tell you that my computer broke and only now is repaired, or maybe that I broke my good typing finger and am only now recovered enought to write again. I doubt that those stories would go over though. The truth is...I was just not inspired.
A number of things have happened since the last post, and most were good. My youngest brother got engaged, and I helped him to surprise his fiancee here in Boston. It was fun to be a part of something so happy.
My daughter went to Thailand and returned in one piece (although with a tattoo!) and for that I'm grateful. That's a picture of the spider who lived in her room for a week while she was helping rescued wildlife. I think she was very brave to even sleep in the same room as that giant thing. But then, I thought she was very brave for going to Thailand to live with people she didn't know and work outside in very humid and hot weather to take care of the bears and monkeys and tiger that were at the animal compound. I would have come home after a week. Because, spiders and me do not mix. Actually, humidity and me do not mix. I would have loved dealing with the animals though. They sounded really great.

And I've been trying to accept my position in life and make the best of it. I wish I could be as eloquent about the experience of divorce as Aunt Purl is but I'm thinking that writing that well takes practice.
Holiday weekends are hard, when you've not got much family around. What used to be a time for celebration and lots of company, becomes a time of introspection and missing the celebrations of the past. While most of the time I can appreciate the positives my "singleness," the holidays serve to remind me more of what it is I no longer am a part of. Today I went to the beach, because I love the ocean and the sand and the salt air. It was a glorious day. And it was good. I'm glad I went. I'm very glad I went. But, just for a moment, I remembered all of those trips to the beach with my husband and two kids in the car and the fun we had. And it twinged me just a little.
That's the good news. It was a momentary twinge. Not a full blown crash, just a little pinch and then I was able to stay in the moment and enjoy the day. Hey, it's progress!